Fri 10-05, 21:00
freie Spende

Paul Corvin 


Schon im Kindesalter schrieb Paul Corvin seine ersten Songs auf Klavier und Gitarre. Doch erst kürzlich fasste er den Mut, seine musikalischen Kreationen auf die Bühne zu bringen. Dabei macht er seine Liebe zu „echter“ und akustischer Musik zu seinem Sound! Mit seiner kleinen Lagerfeuergitarre, die ihn überallhin begleitet, verbreitet er Spaß und gute Laune. Seine Songs sind eine Mischung aus erfrischendem Pop und emotionalen Balladen. Mit Herz, Gefühl und Leidenschaft ist er Songwriter durch und durch!




Skinni Coco 

The Crown Prince of Soul

Skinni Coco is a bluesy, soul-inspired vocalist and guitarist from South Africa. His
musical sound can be described as the love child of Michael Kiwanuka and Tash
Sultana, with just a dash of Tom Walker’s awkward charm. Some of his current
influences include Rainbow Kitten Surprise, The Great Yawn and Chance the Rapper.
His main goal is pushing forward a message of unity and love while building a
positive counter-culture.
Currently based in Vienna, Austria Skinni Coco’s debut EP entitled “Mein Wein in
was released in September 2022. This EP was an immersive album that drew
listeners in, and established a strong, loyal following among those who hear Skinni
Coco perform across countries, whilst collaborating with local and international
artists within the large community that festers creative minds and sounds.
“The Kingdom of Love” is set to be the 3rd studio EP from the artist Skinni Coco. The
project forms part of the immersive performance format that Skinni Coco followed
for his previous project. The Kingdom of Love is set to be released in September
2024. The Kingdom of Love Tour (The Tour of Love) will cover several European cities
during the autumn and winter of 2024 - mainly Hamburg, Barcelona, Budapest,
Warsaw, Vienna and Bratislava. With a highly anticipated live remaster of “Mein Wein
in Wien” set for early 2025.
What others say about Skinni Coco:
“Skinni Coco is the type of performer to provide you with a warm and Soulful atmosphere as he
pours his heart felt poetry over the energetic strumming of his guitar … ever engaging with the
audience to ensure the vibes are up the whole way through!” - Slumburg Event Company



Danach After-Show-Party mit DJn Betty Shine

from rock to electro with some underground and worldmusic

+ ab 6.00 After Hour

(Concerto oben = Wintergarten), #bedrockfeatkyo #concerto #wien #